I cannot play tennis or any other ball sport - and 19 other things you don't need to know!
/How much do the SLJ members know about Sam the person rather than Sam the coach? This was a question I was asked a few weeks ago by my business mentor.
Lot’s I said. Except that may not actually be true. During my coaching sessions, indoor or outdoor, I love to hear your news, tell you about the latest thing I have learned and discuss the merits of one chocolate brownie over another. But maybe you don’t know my background or how SLJ came about.
I was set the task of writing 25 things that you may not know about me, I found it quite a challenge as contrary to what you might think, I am not at all confident about telling people about me, SLJ yes, but not Sam.
So for what it’s worth, with my eyes screwed up tight – here are 20 things about Sam, who isn’t actually as big and brave as she makes out!
My Brother Simon
1. I would NEVER do Karaoke – I’d be terrified.
2. I trained as a nurse at Kings College Hospital London.
3. My first paid job was an assistant in a fishmongers in Sevenoaks called Swinbournes.
The first Fun Run I organised with Britain's Tallest Man
4. 24 years on I think about what life would have been like if my brother was still here.
5. I eat chocolate every day.
6. I worked in Neo Natal Intensive Care as a ward sister
7. I have 126 pairs of shoes excluding trainers
8. I still feel that somehow I am going to be ‘found out’ that I am not good enough.
9. I cannot play tennis or any other ball sport - appalling hand eye coordination
10. I am a qualified teacher in Post Compulsory Education
11. I can’t shut one eye or wink – no good for clay pigeon shooting!
12. I get most of my new ideas for SLJ when I’m on holiday or when I’m walking the dog.
13. I love films about dogs, storms and disasters, preferably all three in one
14. I need to be part of a team or a group, I’m not a loner
15. I love teaching – anything and everything.
16. My worst injury has been the best thing for my business (ACL + surgery)
17. I work better when my office is tidy and my desk is clear but that isn’t always the case.
18. I have 6 kids, aged from 29-18 two of my own and four stepchildren
19. I love jewellery and bling and change mine most days.
20. My husband is my rock, my best friend and my biggest critic.