How to clean your running shoes without ruining them!

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Even in the warmer months the mud and muck can get into our lovely new trainers - and we are tempted to want them to look like new again!

The cushioning in a running shoe from the mid-sole lasts about 300-400 miles.  But, even you aren't wearing the shoes consistently for running, the mid-sole will continue to break down over time.  Your feet & body should be able to feel the difference in the cushioning and you will probably know when you need to buy new shoes. 

Most runners - well the ones I know, will run though rain, shine or snow, and therefore their shoes take a battering - sometimes they are so dirty and smelly, or the soles are caked in mud that they must be cleaned - here are some guidelines for how to do it.   

muddy running shoes

If banging the shoes & brushing them off after the dirt has dried just doesn't do the trick for you, and you really must wash them, there are a few tips & tricks that will help the shoes last and not break down too quickly.  

If possible never soak your shoes in water.

Never soak your running shoes in water, use a scrubbing brush and warm soapy water in the sink to clean them,  then stuff them with newspaper and leave them to dry somewhere warm such as under a radiator.  

Be careful not to have them on a direct heat source, which means dryers, radiators, heating vents, and even direct sunlight. The heat can dry out the cushion of the shoes and cause the shoe to separate by hardening the glue that holds them together.  

Popping them on top of an empty bottle works well too!

Don’t use a washing machine!

A washing machine is not a good idea as it soaks the shoe for too long which may cause shrinking, warping & separation of the layers of the shoe. If this happens it will change the shape of the shoe and therefore change the support that is available to your foot.

Mad though it might seem, don't put them in the microwave or in a warming oven, in some countries it is advisable not to leave them in the car due to direct sunlight, not a huge issue in the UK!


If you are out running in the rain and the shoes get soaked through you can dry the interior quickly, without separation or without the shoe losing it’s shape. 

Using either newspaper or paper towel, stuff the shoe to help it retain the shape and absorb the moisture. Change the paper after several hours and your shoes should be dry before your next run.

You may be interested to know that running in wet shoes will have 40-50% less shock absorbency due to the a wet midsole. 

So, if you have recently invested in some new shoes, I hope that helps you keep them clean.