I didn't realise when I set up my businesses that Social Media would become such an important part of driving them forwards. Comments such as " I don't have time for all that Facebooking" were a common theme I heard at meetings but in fact, nearly all successful small, or large businesses have a well designed presence somewhere on Social Media.
Understanding what, where and how to use it has been something I've learnt by trial and error and something that some of my fiends who also own small businesses have asked me to share with them.
As a qualified teacher sharing information is something I enjoy hugely, so having done two Social Media courses for Physiotherapists in the past, I am now offering a course to anyone at SLJ who would like to know a bit more. This course will give you the skills to plan a social media strategy, write engaging posts and start to build a following and your brand.
We will use peer discussion to generate ideas which you can take away and implement immediately.
Who is the course for
People who want to use Social Media to advertise their business but either 'don't get round to it' or are scared of doing it wrong. I will teach you what I have learned so you can adapt it to suit you.
Course date Thursday 29th June
Course time 09.30-12.30
Course VenueSt Julians, Underriver
Course cost£30 - SLJ members £27
What we will cover
- Overview of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In & You Tube
- Which platform would be best for your business and why
- How to plan your daily/weekly/monthly social media for your business
- Uploading a photo with text to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
- Designing your own Meme ( captioned photo or text designed to catch the eye of the viewer)
- Using video for SM - make and upload a short video to your page.
- Boosting a post and paying for adverts
If you are interested in booking onto the course you can do so by clicking HERE.
The course will be relaxed and friendly with lost of time for you to talk and ask questions and share ideas. Coffee and tea will be served in a mid morning break - although if you need Gin by then the bar may be open!