
New - Monday Training Runs!

starting 4th November for 7 weeks

We have designed a special series of runs and fitness sessions to keep you motivated and more importantly keep you fit and toned in the “Run up to Christmas”. These sessions are designed to improve your fitness and maybe help you reach a 10km goal in the New Year or just get your heart pumping and keep your mind and body strong as winter approaches.  

 ·        4th November – “Take your Partner” by the hand – A partner run designed to help you improve your strength but very much at your own pace

·        11th November – “Oregon and on and on…” – Workout in the woods. Work those muscles that you use every day using nature as your gym.

·        18th November –  “The Hills Are Alive” – Hill session on the famous Knole Park Cross Roads. I promise it sounds much worse than it is! Short, sharp and effective.

·        25th November – “Ready …set….GO!” – Fast and furious session of sprints in a circle so no one gets left behind. Put in as much effort as you want while never losing site of the group.

·        2nd December – “Did someone just Fartlek?” – Pace based workout with slow and faster intervals

·        9th December – “5km or 10km?”  5Km loop. Great to see how much you have achieved in 6 weeks. Do it once and celebrate with a coffee or do it twice in preparation for the Winter 10km.

·        16th December -  “It’s Christmas!!” – Christmas run with Mince Pies, Santa hats and tinsel.

 Sessions cost one token as normal.

If you attend all 7 sessions then I will give you a special Christmas Token to attend the 7th Session on 16th December for free. How’s that for an incentive!