Midlife Makeover Mini Challenge
Are you someone who gets excited by the thought of a challenge, only to find that it doesn’t really tick the right boxes.Perhaps you’ve done the Plank challenge, the Squat challenge or the No Sugar challenge but ended up getting a sore back, aching glutes and hating every boring mealtime, which means you don’t actually get anything positive from it, it’s easier frankly, not to bother.
I’d like to propose something a bit different….
I’d LOVE you to join me for JUST 7 days in a Midlife Makeover challenge in a private Facebook Group. It’s totally FREE and a perfect way to nudge you towards making some real lifestyle changes which most of us need in the Peri Menopause and Menopause to get back to feeling how we used to feel.
All you need to do is join the Midlife Makeover group by clicking HERE, then I will invite you to join the secret group just before the challenge starts on 18th March.
The challenge will involve you watching a short video every day for 7 days and ticking off a range of tasks, all designed to have a cumulative effect to bring back a bit of zing in your life! You can watch the videos whenever you like during the 10 day period.
Once the challenge is over we will keep the community page going and I will share news that relates to the midlife on a regular basis. HRT, Libido, Nutrition, Movement, Sleep - and more. You may want to sign up for a longer challenge or perhaps a one day workshop, but until then, lets get to know each other via the next 7 day March Makeover.
A couple of examples of the November challenges -